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Celebrating two years

  • News
On the left, a brief letter from the Center’s director highlights what’s most meaningful about this two-year milestone. On the right: a four-color design with three freeform shapes created by designer Sophie Greenspan using our Center’s brand identity.

March 21, 2024 — Today, as the Digital Equity Research Center marks its second birthday, we’re reflecting on how quickly the time has gone, and how many amazing people we’ve been able to connect with through our work. Please join us in taking a moment to celebrate our collaborators and learn more about the work they do to advance digital equity:

Thank you to each of them, their staff and leadership, our former DEAR fellows, and to every person who’s participated in Digital Equity Research Center projects, for sharing their time, expertise, and insights. 

We’re also grateful to the Center’s advisory group and our colleagues at METRO for welcoming and supporting the program these past two years.
